Thursday, March 18, 2010

In my Inbox

Day 110

What was I thankful for yesterday?  Work, church, music....oh, I remember.  I am thankful that people have thoughtfully given their time and words to create this year's Lenten devotionals.  I am thankful that they appear in my inbox every morning and for the people who make that happen.

In my front yard:

My lilacs seem to bloom best after cold, dry winters.   The late winter-early spring rains probably helped, too.


  1. placeholder comment -- sleepy Friday evening! Sweet dreams!

  2. Oooh, pretty! Lilacs! I can close my eyes and smell their sweetness!

  3. I wish my bushes overflowed with blossoms but I'm happy they put out an occasional few. With so few the fragrance is quite delicate.


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