Friday, February 19, 2010


Day 83

I am thankful for, hmmmm, having trouble defining in words what I'm thinking about.  I was going to write Prayer, that's close but not it.  I was going to say God, the creator, that's close but not it.  I think this thankfulness has more to do with being grateful for the relationship I/we have with God through Jesus, the Christ.  

Today's tree and blossom photos.  Two from the Purple Leaf:



And one from the Apricot:

I've been thinking a lot about the Lenten tradition of giving something up.  I was going to give up sweets but I've decided that since I was going to join Weight Watcher with a friend that I would have given up most sweets anyway-so no sacrifice there.  I keep coming back to giving.  My sis talked about me knitting caps for the cancer center locally and I like that idea a lot.  So I have decided that for the season of Lent I will dedicate a portion of my time.   I will use the knitting time to meditate and pray.   I'm still toying with the idea of setting a goal and I'm 50/50 on it right now.  When I make hats for the NICU  I try to make 25 in a month.  But, adult hats take a little longer.  I could probably make 20, though, in 6 weeks.  I'm not sure I want to set a numerical goals and I'm not sure why.  Maybe instead I should set a minimum time/day to spend in knitting and prayer.  I'll have to ponder that some more.

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