Monday, January 25, 2010

To Want Fervently

Day 58

I am thankful for children who want to learn.  They may have their quirks and pesky ways but they want so much to know.  They want information and knowledge.  They want to know how to read.  They want to know how to solve math problems.   In spite of all their difficulties they have not given up.   For these children I am thankful.  And humbled.

I forgot that I took new pictures of the building going on at church:

To the left is the "chapel" which will house the manual track Bosch organ.  To the right is the main Sanctuary which will be twice the size of the chapel and set up for "amplified" rather than "live" sound.   I keep hearing April as the finish date but I'm not seeing a roof yet!

May I also point out in the above photo there is not a cloud in the sky.  Normal blue sky.

I have been wanting a photo of these palms for weeks:

These are just before a very busy intersection on my route home.   I've been waiting, camera on the seat next to me, for the day when I stop in just the right place for a good photo.  Happily there wasn't a large truck or SUV next to me.  

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