Monday, December 14, 2009


Day 15

You knew there had to be a day to be thankful for knitting, right?

I am thankful for knitting. I stayed with Dad this weekend while his wife headed out with her sister and Mom on a vacation. Doing lots of not much is high on the list of activities when I stay with Dad. We talk a lot but there is a lot of quiet and watching tv time. I knit. I knit a lot. I knit so much my right wrist was a bit tired. But, it keeps me near Dad, busy, and I get to start and finish projects. I'm very happy to have picked up the loom knitting hobby.

Brother Hats:

I think these are the fifth iteration of this set of hats. I've frogged and restarted several times! I have a couple smaller hats of various sizes. I think I've finally found the right loom for children's heads. I'm glad because it widens the range of sizes of hats I can make.

Scarf to match cowl, day 1, round 1:

I've decided that this is the wrong loom to use for this yarn. It's much too loosely knit. I'm not sure what to switch to but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

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